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The Justice League Movie has a Villain

Latino Review is an awesome site. They’re broken quite a few stories that we’ve reported on the site. What’s really cool is that they report these stories days in advance of just about anybody, including the people the news is actually about. So I feel pretty confident in reporting the news they have about the Justice League movie. And that news is that we have ourselves a villain.

The Justice League movie is a long way off, so the film is still in the early stages of production. But since this is a big nerd movie and will be competing against the other big nerd movie coming out in 2015, I guess Warner Bros. thought it would be best to “accidentally” let out the main bad guy of their movie. While the Avengers are off fighting Thanos, the Justice League will be going toe-to-toe with Darkseid, one of the New Gods and ruler of Apokolips.

Darkseid is one of the League’s most dangerous enemies, and considering the fact that he has been in just about everything DC related in one way or another since the New 52, I’m actually a bit ashamed that I didn’t call this one sooner. But it’s still a good choice for a villain.

Justice League is set for release in summer 2015.

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