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Gargantia Salvager Getting a Spin-Off Manga

I recently started watching Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet and I really like. It’s got great animation, a great story, and some great characters. The characters are so great that one of them is getting their own spin-off manga.

Enterbrain’s Famitsu Comic Clear online publication will be launching manga this month following the salvager Bellows, called Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: Mizuhana no Bellows (and I also saw an article calling it Bellows of Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, but I prefer the former). It will explore her origins and her initial inspiration to become a salvager. It may also show how she found Ledo and Chamber at the bottom of the ocean. Again, different article.

The manga is being drawn by Shu, based on the story by the anime’s Oceanus team with story collaboration by Hiroki Uchida. It will use original character designs by Hanaharu Naruko, with the series under the supervision of Production I.G.

For those who don’t know, the main series is set in the far off future of the future. Humanity has left the Earth since it froze over, and are now locked in a heated war with space squid things called Hideauze. A soldier in this war, Ensign Ledo, and his mech Chamber get delayed in a battle with them and miss their chance to catch the ship home. They go through a wormhole and end up back on Earth, which has thawed out and turned into Waterworld.

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: Mizuhana no Bellows launches on June 7th, 2013.

Source: ANN, SGCafe

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