Death's Door Prods

Site News Update Thing

[audio:|titles=Site News Update Thing]

(Gotta put a download like here for it to appear on iTunes)

So s0nicfreak, who’s been hosting the website and fronting the cost of it since 2010, is going to be shutting down our servers at the beginning of August. Why is she doing this, you ask? Well, because we podcast two damn much. We have run out of space on the server with our 30+ gigs of podcasts and commentaries. We are costing her too much money to run the server with what we do.

Not to fret, though (Well, not too much, anyway), Death’s Door Prods isn’t going anywhere. We are moving our site over on to a new server (We aren’t revealing which one yet) and also moving our entire back catalog of 400+ podcasts and commentaries over to SoundCloud, the audio streaming platform. It’s a great service with a lot of really cool features. There’s just one small problem; They don’t have iTunes support. That means that the podcasts that we upload to our stream on SoundCloud will not be uploaded to our iTunes (is that the plural of iTunes? Is it like moose?).

While we have applied for SoundCloud’s podcasting beta, there’s really nothing else we can do at this point. We are now paying for the site out of pocket and we can’t afford any other solution for podcasting. SoundCloud is currently our best and only choice if we want to keep doing this, and believe me, we do. It isn’t always apparent, and I can really only speak for myself, but I’m pretty sure everyone other host really loves what we do here, mainly bitching about nerdy shit with friends.

The podcasts and commentaries will live on. Just not on iTunes for the time being. We will continue to update on our current schedule and we’ll leave the RSS feeds up since they can still let you know when our shit gets posted. Sometime down the road, when iTunes is fully integrated into SoundCloud, we will return. But for now, this is farewell. Thank you to everyone who subscribed to the iTunes and hopefully you will keep with us in these uncertain times and continue to listen to and download the shows through SoundCloud.

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