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Marvel Teases Even More Secret Wars Stuff, Maybe More


Over the last month, Marvel Comics has been teasing event after event. Things started off with the announcement of a new Secret Wars in Summer 2015. After that, the flood began. Now things have calmed down a bit so we aren’t being bombarded by teasers now, but instead occasionally having one flicked at our heads. And we’ve also learned that all of these teasers are part of the Secret Wars thing. So it’s not that we’re getting dozens and dozens of events, but one event made up of all the past events, and something that will shake up the Marvel Universe in its entirety (probably).

Above you’ll notice the teaser image saying “Everything Ends” dated for Spring 2015. The weirdest part of that is date, considering that everything else is happening in Summer and the tagline for Secret Wars on Marvel’s website is…

Time Runs Out. Everything Ends. The Secret Wars commence in May 2015 from Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic!

Then, earlier this week, we got the following trailer…

It mentions “Universes Destroyed” and at the end flashes a logo for “All-New Marvel.” This could mean that we’re getting a publisher-wide reboot, or it could just mean they’re actually going through with the destruction of the Ultimate Universe and bringing over the one marketable character they currently have from it to the main universe. The latter option is more likely, but you never know.

The trailer also showed all of the teases released so far (including some we didn’t post because I honestly didn’t give a shit up to this point) crashing onto different a global map looking thing with the words “Battleworld Forged,” meaning that all the teasers we’ve been getting so far will be part of the new Battleworld. I can see how that would work or a lot of these teasers, but one of the new ones, which you can see below, makes no goddamn sense to me. Especially because the company spent years trying to undo it, resulting in One More Day

Secrets Wars begins in May 2015.

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